Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thought for the day ... Being Flexible

Read any business book or listen to any business guru, and you'll hear the message of "Flexibility".

It is very true.

I've done that in everything from modifying my business plan to add new services before the other, original "planned" services were implemented to negotiating teacher rent percentages in order to get prime teachers.

The latest event happened yesterday. In the new studio build-out, there was some cabinetry that we wanted removed. As luck would have it, the original owners placed the cabinetry first and then cut carpet in around it. So there we are, needing to redo the carpet in the room.

This was an additional $1000 expense that I didn't plan on. However, in budgeting the move, I knew from experience that the final cash outlay seems to be 15%-20% over whatever you plan on, no matter how well you budget.

So, while I would much rather keep that $1000 in the coffers, it is work that needs to be done and that I can afford to do.

By keeping the budget flexible, meaning - not stretching so far that anything like this would have been a show stopper, I am able to keep the business running smoothly and not lose too much sleep at night!

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