Saturday, July 26, 2008

First opinion on starting your business

Notice how I wrote "opinion" rather than rule? I make no claim to be a business guru or an all knowing expert. However, I do know what worked for me and that is what I will write about on this blog.

Here is opinion number 1 ...

Have a passion for the business you are starting. Be passionate about what you do.

I know both successful business owners and those that have not been successful. And while I am 100% sure that you can have a successful business doing something you do not really care about, my instincts tell me that if you absolutely love what you do, success will be yours.

In my case, by opening my music studio, I can play guitar all day. I also get to hang out with like minded individuals that have a passion for making music. Because of this, I can honestly say that I have not worked a single day since I left at&t.

Over the past two years, I have not started a day thinking "God, I hate that place", which is what I was doing at at&t. Even when I'm scrubbing the toilets at the studio - not the most glamorous part of my day - it doesn't feel like work. It feels like just another item I have to do to make the business a success.

So, if you are thinking about starting your own business, take a moment to look at your reasons. Is it because you think the business will make you a ton of cash or do you have a fire inside of you to do what you want to do? If it is for the cash, be careful, you may end up not liking what you do down the road.

If it is for the passion you feel for what you are going to do, you are starting on the right foot!

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